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I met Isabelle in college. We were in the same dance group and rehearsed a lot for the Moon Gala at University of Illinois. She helped me and accepted my interview for a video that I was working on for a class. She was working at the Starbucks in Illini Union and kindly allowed my taking videos of her working there, too. We haven’t met since 2016. And the last time we contacted each other was at the end of 2017. I asked her if we can meet up on campus before I left for an internship in LA. Eventually we did not find a time to meet. But I never thought that it would be the last time I talk to her. She is such a nice person. She is kind, generous, sweet and so beautiful. Every time I see her smile, I feel rejuvenated. Her smile is so beautiful, so lovely. Since we haven’t contacted for so long she might have forgotten me already. I still have her photos in my phone, and I will never forget her as such a lovely friend. She will always live in my heart. I miss her so much...

— Youyou Zhang

I met Isabelle at Kevin's house at the end of 2018. They both were really into PUBG and asked my little brother Jason and I to play with them. She was very patient and kind, teaching Jason and I the controls of the game. My mom pointed out how great she was with children and how her personality really complemented Kevin's. I ended up playing PUBG often the Summer of 2019 with Isabelle and Kevin as they carried me each game. Isabelle would flame me for my premature deaths and get mad for disobeying her orders. She made these witty jabs about how I sucked at the game and it was hilarious. She made the game so much more fun. My last game with Isabelle was Summer 2020. I remember Kevin and I died super early that round and she just roasted us for the rest of the game. She was a great PUBG player and even better roaster. It hurts to know she is no longer with us. May you rest easy Isabelle!

— Jerry Zhu

Miss Jiajia so much! We have a lot of memories together. I still believe she is traveling somewhere, she will come back one day. We have a lot of plans for the future. She’s my first best friend in America. Love Jiajia!

— Chloe

我看着Kevin长大的,小时候car pool送去游泳,和我家俩小孩一起打打闹闹长大。Kevin小时候调皮捣蛋,长大了懂事体贴,肯定有佳佳的功劳。2020 春节美国疫情前一起包饺子,2018 圣诞打火锅,佳佳在一堆孩子中间,笑咪咪的一起玩。心里默默为Kevin祝福,找到这么好的女孩。太突然了

— Chen Zhang

I met Isabelle in my Sophomore year of college and seeing her and Kevin grow as people and in their love for each other during those college years was truly a great joy. I am particularly fond of all the interactions we had when she would come over to the apartment to visit Kevin. Her kind and cheerful personality would not just bring out the best in Kevin, but all of us around them as well. I’ll never forget the day Kevin broke the news to us roommates that he had proposed to Isabelle and that they were getting married. I’ll never forget Isabelle’s love of Mexican cokes and Kevin’s attempts to keep a constant supply around the apartment. I’ll never forget the time we couldn’t find a kitchen pan big enough to marinate a turkey in and Isabelle’s amusement when we ended up marinating the turkey in a large garbage bag. Her loss will no doubt be deeply felt by all those who knew and loved her.

— Timothy Chan

I’ve never officially met Isabelle, and have only seen her once in real life. She was so pretty, I even remember what dress she wore that day. I even feel like the only conversations I’ve ever had with Kevin were me fan-girling over her beauty and amazing homemade meals. Even though I was a complete stranger to her, she let me follow her Instagram account and it was so apparent how amazing and loving she was. Thank you Isabelle and Kevin for sharing glimpses of your life. You two are truly an inspiration, and I hold my own loved ones closer to my heart because of it. Rest in peace, Isabelle.

— Aurora Ignacio

Friend of Kevin's and his roommate in college here - I met Isabelle in Sophomore year through Kevin and I remember the sheer joy and bright energy she brought to others around her. I also saw firsthand how happy Isabelle and Kevin were together. This pains me so. We miss you Isabelle, and rest in peace

— Ryan Lin

Isabelle was the best sister-in-law I could’ve wished for and I’ve never seen my brother happier than when they were together. She got along with every member of our family, from playing video games with my younger brother to talking stocks with my mom to playing peek-a-boo with my baby sister. I remember how we used to find each other at family parties and hide from socializing with everyone else. Every time I saw Isabelle, she was full of bright smiles and witty comments. It hurts my heart to have to say goodbye to her so soon. May she rest in peace.

— Emily Fu

我和张碧佳是在高中暑假来美国的游学夏令营认识的,当时正好和她坐在飞机的最后一排,这个女孩的活泼开朗给我留下了深深的印象。几遍之后鲜有交集,但通过她的朋友圈和instagram分享的和Kevin的幸福快乐的生活,像是一束阳光给所有朋友带来温暖。就在出意外的前几天,她还在我的qq空间动态里开玩笑的评论说该省钱去买房,谁有能想到这居然是我和她最后的交集。就在出事的当天,我还看到她在微博里分享和Christine的生活琐事。我不想相信意外真的发生了。 I am sorry for your loss, Kevin。如果她在天有灵的话,她也一定会希望你能好好生活下去。

— Chenxi

I remember the time I lived with Kevin and Isabelle for 2 weeks in the summer of 2018. We played a lot of video games like PUBG and ate a lot of yummy food that Isabelle cooked. Even though we hadn’t seen her for a while because they lived far away, Isabelle and I always traded videos. I sent clips of my younger sister, Katie, in exchange for her videos of Coconut, her cat. I will miss her teasing and delicious cooking. I am sad I won’t be able to meet her again. 

— Vincent Fu

I am very shocked when I know her accident since I cannot believe she just passes away. We started a close relationship since early 2018, and we chatted everyday and share daily routines with each other. I spent long-term difficult life, and it was her who offers me strong support so I am able to successfully enter Law School with confidence and happiness. She is the only person who is willing to listen to my complaints, and she drew me back from desperation several times. Without her, I cannot imagine how I feel alone when I could not find a satisfying job and faced an unclear future.

When I felt very lonely in 2019, when was my hardest period. Bijia came to Sydney alone to accompany me, and we traveled around Sydney and Melbourne. She loved Australia and hoped to move to Australia in one day with her husband. We discussed a lot of possible future events. However, I never imagine that she passed away in this way.

In late 2019, Bijia introduced Christine Yan, who was another woman who was killed, to me. We have a small WeChat group which is only comprised of us three. We shared daily events, supported each other, and discussed how to solve issues in daily life. I also know a lot of her perspectives on her family, and I think a person like her should have a happy life. In my point of view, we were the people who knew each other the best in the world except themselves/ourselves.

Her husband loves her so much, and it is the relationship that a lot of people will envy. I know Bijia has excellent cooking skills, and I cannot imagine how her partner and family members will live without her support.

— Anni Zhang

I met Isabelle when I roomed with Kevin our last year of college. She was always happy and full of life. I remember the rest of us often commented on how she was always giggling and how they were the most perfect couple. She would torture us with extremely spicy food and brought a lot of joy and laughter to our apartment. I am deeply saddened to hear that she is no longer with us. She has touched so many lives and our world will not be the same without her.

— Albert C